
Tech tool pro 7
Tech tool pro 7

tech tool pro 7

Simply click into the Tools section, select to create an eDrive partition, enter your administrator password and the application creates the boot partition within a few minutes. It never hurts to have a backup partition on hand to boot from and TechTool Pro’s eDrive feature remains as strong as ever. The Surface Scan tool lets you check for failed hard drive sectors before problems arise. The Reports section allows you to see log files for past tests and group the results by category, such as All Jobs, Failed Jobs, etc. The Tools section provides access to more specific utilities (such as volume rebuilding, disk optimization, audio and video utilities, and eDrive emergency partition creation). The Tests section includes an overall computer scan, volume structure, file structure, and video memory utilities.

tech tool pro 7 tech tool pro 7

The new version, which retains the same look and user interface that Micromat revealed in version 5, sports three main sections Tests, Tools, and Reports. The Volume Rebuild tool allows you to see what changes will be made before you replace a directory. Micromat’s TechTool has long been used for Mac troubleshooting, and the new TechTool Pro 7.0.1 has support for 64-bit architectures, Apple’s OS X Mavericks operating system, and a brand new test to diagnose RAM module problems. When your Mac starts to go south, it helps to have software tools to fix the problems or to recover your data.

Tech tool pro 7